Copyright © 1996-2003.
Zeus Productions. All Rights Reserved.
(This page last revised February 26, 2003)
Please consult the following list for answers to the most common pre-sales questions regarding zLaunch, as well as additional technical information not covered on the zScript Summary Page.
zScript is an Xtra that
adds the power of AppleScript
to Director for Macintosh. zScript allows Director to send and receive Apple Events, and communicate with
other AppleScriptable applications.
You can download a fully functioning trial version
for Mac OS 9 (Classic) or Mac OS X (native) from our Download
is specific to the Macintosh, so there is not a Windows version. zOpen for Windows may provide the desired functionality
depending on your needs. Click here to download
an example that opens a document using zScript on the Macintosh and
zOpen on Windows.
See here for
Click here for complete Sales,
Ordering and Contact Information.
If the user has the Finder Scripting Extension
installed (which is installed by default with the Mac OS), then you can
just specify the path to a document without an application at all. It will
find the application, as if you double-clicked on the document.Click here to download an example that opens a document
using zScript.
We generally provide upgrades for free. If you
bought zScript after October 26, 2002 and before February 26, 2003, the upgrade
to the Mac OS X native version for Director MX is free. See here
for other upgrade pricing.Click here for details on our upgrade
If an application is not AppleScriptable,
zScript may have no effect. Some applications may respond to a core suite
of AppleEvents, even if they are not fully AppleScriptable. Other applications
may implement detailed suites of AppleScript events. Some applications will
obey commands sent to them by the scriptable finder.zScript adds some AppleScript
capabilities to Director, but cannot add any AppleScript capabilites to
other applciations.
Use the Apple Script Editor's Open Dictionary
command. The Apple Script Editor comes with the Mac OS.
Seach for books on AppleScript, or try AppleScript
in a Nutshell
zScript is very easy to use because we've already
written the Lingo for you! Click here to download
an example that opens a document using zScript.
Using zScript for other purposes is not difficult to use for someone who is
familiar with Lingo scripting and AppleScript. If you are new to Director or
AppleScript programming, you should allow more time. Either way, complete example
Lingo code and thorough documentation on how to use zScript is included to ease
the process.
It helps somewhat if you have a working knowledge of:
Invariably, multimedia projects are behind schedule. If you are in last-minute
panic mode (and who isn't?), please be sure to discuss your particular requirements
with a sales representative before ordering.
zScript is used in many scenarios and Zeus Productions can not guarantee
its suitability for your particular use. Allow time to implement zScript
and debug any issues related to your use of AppleScript with an external
We have some example code that shows you
what to do. You can Click here to download
an example that opens a document using zScript which includes a drag-and-drop
behavior that you can use "as is". Using zScript is not very hard
if you are proficient in Lingo and familiar with AppleScript. Zeus Productions
offers Technical Support to registered
users. Click here for more information on our Consulting
and Custom Development Services
zScript comes with complete and thorough documentation.
If you don't like reading documentation, Click
here to download an example that opens a document.
If you have trouble getting your application to work with zScript, be sure
to take advantage our World-Class Tech
Zeus Productions offers a money-back guarantee,
but we can not guarantee that your intended external application is AppleScriptable
or that it performs the desired functions. You should attempt to determine
this ahead of time, or with the demonstration version of zScript.
If you have purchased zScript and are having trouble, even with the assistance
of our World-Class Tech Support, the
problem may be in your Lingo code, or your application may not obey Mac
OS guidelines. Not all applications respond to the required or "core"
suite of AppleEvents.
Although your application and projector may run independently of each other,
there may be something in the interaction between the two that causes a
problem, such as an extension conflict.
If the version of zScript that you have does not meet your needs, there
is a good chance that obtaining the latest version of zScript will address
your situation, as zScript is updated frequently to provide additional functionality.
We do offer a 30-day money-back satisfaction guarantee, but we ask that
you make a good-faith effort to resolve your issues with our technical support
staff before returning the product. If we are unable to resolve the conflict,
your purchase price will be refunded if you choose to return zScript. This
policy applies only to your first usage of zScript, not subsequent projects.
No other remedy is promised or offered.
Click here for more information on our Return
Simply copy the zScript Xtra file into your Xtras
folder and restart Director. Type "showXlib" in the message window
to see if zScript has been installed properly. You need to also distribute
a copy with your Projector.
Xtras for your projector need to reside in a folder called
"Xtras" within the same folder as the projector. Projectors do not
check for Xtras in the typical Director Xtras folders.
You need to include the zScript Xtra itself in an Xtras
folder adjacent to your Projector. We recommend against bundling Xtras into
the Projector, although Macromedia supports this.
Yes. zScript has a method to determine whether
AppleScript is installed. If not, the user would need to activate AppleScript
and restart their Macintosh. You can assume that users have it installed,
as it was first incorporated into the Mac OS software in "System 7
Pro", which was version 7.1.1. Every version since then has included
AppleScript. System 7.1 did not *include* the AppleScript extension, but
it can be installed manually and it will work. (It was implemented as an
Extension since the beginning). System 7.1 is over seven years old, and
predates PowerPCs by several years, so all modern users should have AppleScript
Q. The text file is not working with the SetScriptFile method.
Make sure it is a simpleText document
Q. How do I use zScript to open an application by its creator code?
Create a resource file and use ResEdit to modify
the creator code to match the code for the application you want to open.
Save these resource files in a folder whose pathname you can get from Director
(like a subfolder below your current folder). Then use zScript and the 'tell
application "Finder" open alias...' AppleScript command to open
the appropriate resource file, which opens the application without you having
to supply a pathname. (Thanks to Mark Halliday of Postmodern Media for this
Q. Can zScript make my application do [fill in the blank]?
zScript really just passes the events onto the target
application, it doesn't add new feautres to an application. If it cannot already
perform the operation via AppleScript, zScript probably won't help. One exception
is Director itself, in which a simple command queue is made possible by the
zQueue helper app. This allows Director to receive AppleEvents.
There are no known bugs in version 2.0. There was a bug
in the1.5.1 demo version when it was used with D8.x (it might crash Director
if you checked the return value of a command that didn't return a value). Click
here for our philosophy and policy on bugs.
Q. How can I send a text variable obtained in the Applescript to somthing
in director? How could I transfer the data in the Applescript string to a Lingo
To send a string via AppleScript to Director,
you actually send the event to "zQueue" which holds the event
until you ask for it from within Director using zScript.
Therefore, do this:
1. Send an "Enqueue" event to zQueue from your AppleScript script
(see below).
2. Use zScript from within Director to send a "dequeue" event
to zQueue, thus retrieving the event (see below).
Refer to the example DIR file included with zScript (see "Test Enqueue
From your AppleScript, use:
tell application "zQueue"
Enqueue "whateverstring"
end tell
From Director use:
zScriptObj = new (Xtra "zScript")
setScriptText (zScriptObj, "tell application" && QUOTE
& "zQueue" & QUOTE & RETURN & "Dequeue"
& RETURN & "end tell" & RETURN)
put getStatus(zScriptObj)
results = getResult(zScriptObj)
alert "Received string" && results
Thus the string will be retrieved.
You can execute it using the Lingo "do" command, if the string is a valid Lingo command.
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Copyright © 1996-2003. Zeus Productions. All Rights Reserved.
(This page last revised February 26, 2003)