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Internet Mailing Lists
Copyright © 1996-1997. Zeus
Productions. All Rights Reserved.
Written by Bruce A. Epstein
Q. What is a mailing list?
A. A mailing list is a convenient way to distribute or receive information
to a group of people via e-mail. It is similar to a snail
mail mailing list in the following ways:
- You can request to be added to a mailing list.
- You will receive information periodically from the owner of the mailing
- You might receive junk mail from other
lists which you did not intentionally join.
- You can unsubscribe from (quit) the mailing list.
There are also some important differences:
- You receive the information via e-mail, and not a physical letter
in your mailbox, so it is quick, cheap, and paperless
- Some mailing lists allow you to post your own messages to the list,
in addition to receiving posts from other members of the list (i.e. not
just the list owner)
Q. What is a distribution list?
A distribution list is a type of mailing list in which only the list owner
can post messages to the list members. Other mailing lists allow all list
members to participate in the discussion, as long as they are subscribed
to the list. Some lists allow anyone to post to the list, even if they are
not members.
Q. How do I join a mailing list?
A. Generally you join (subscribe) by sending an e-mail to a particular e-mail
address called the List Server.
You usually must include the word "SUBSCRIBE" in either the body
or subject line of the e-mail. You must send the e-mail from the account
which you wish to subscribe to the list.
NOTE: The e-mail address for joining a list is usually different
than the one used for the list itself. The administrative details are often
handled by an automatic List Server, but are sometimes handled manually
by a list adminstrator (human)
Be sure to send the Subscription request to the List Server and not the
mailing list itself.
Q. I am getting too many messages from a mailing list. What do I do?
A. You can unsubscribe if you no longer wish to partake in the list, but
you may prefer to DIGEST your messages, so that you get one e-mail per day
containing all the posts that were made to the list.
Send the DIGEST command to the List Server. Note, it may take a few days
to activate Digest mode. Some lists do not offer a DIGEST mode.
Q. How do I temporarily stop my mail from a list.
A. Some mailing lists support an "inactive" status to temporarily
remove you from the list. You can reactivate your subscription at your convenience.
Send the "Suspend" command to the list server or contact the list
adminstrator for guidance.
Q. How do I quit a mailing list?
A. You can quit a list, generally by sending an e-mail to the same List
Server address which you used when subscribing in the first place with the
keyword UNSUBSCRIBE. The unsubscription request may take a few days to process.
If the request seems to have failed, you should:
- Make sure that you used the proper unsubscription command and sent
it to the correct e-mail address.
- Be sure that you included the command in the Body or Subject
Line as required by that particualr list server.
- Consult the Help file that you should receive when you subscribe to
a mailing list.
- Contact the list adminstrator for help.
Q.Why can't I post a message to a mailing list?
A. Several factors may prevent you from posting to a mailing list. Refer
to the Help file for that particular list or contact the list adminstrator
- Some mailing lists do not allow the subscribers to post messages.
There are called distribution lists, and are like a one-way street to your
e-mail address.
- You may not have sent the e-mail from the address which is subscribed
to the list. Many lists only accept posts from subscribers. Either send
it from the proper account, or subscribe from the diferent account before
sending the e-mail.
- You have sent the e-mail to the wrong address, most likely the List
Server rather than the list itself, which is usually a different address.
- Your e-mail may not be working properly. Try again later.
- The mailing list may not be working properly. Try again later.
Q.Why am I getting mail I don't want, and how
do I stop it?
A. Junk mail is often referred to as Spam.
Some mass-mailing programs comb the internet for e-mail addresses. There
is a pretty good chance that you receive junk e-mail frequently if you participate
in on-line discussion groups or newsgroups. You can request that junk e-mailers
take you off their distribution list (often by used the REMOVE command).
If you subscribed to a list intentionally, you can unsubscribe at your discretion.
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Copyright © 1996-1997. Zeus
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(This page last revised June 17, 1997)