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Industry Reviews

Lingo in a Nutshell & Director in a Nutshell


Below are industry reviews of the books:

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(If you've read advanced copies of the book from the chapters on my site, I assure you that it has undergone major improvements and additions. It has more of the good stuff, and less of the not-so-good stuff, plus it has been thoroughly technically reviewed.)

Reviewers Rave!

"I particularly enjoy your knack of anticipating the reader's next question and providing the necessary background using the minimum number of words. Your book like, John Thompson's Lingo Workshop, fills in the gaps required to understand the official documentation. Your coverage of the material promises to provide a solid foundation and an exhaustive reference source in a digestable format." -- Marton Takach, Technical Publications Pty Ltd, 30 Nov 1998

"Lingo in a Nutshell [is really complete]. It caters to the huge pool of Director users." -- Ed Darino 21 Nov 1998

"I had the chance to review Lingo in a Nutshell for a web site. I found Bruce's explanations accurate and very helpful for people with varying degrees of Lingo experience. I know his section on Director's text mechanics will undoubtedly help [struggling newbie]."-- Cary

"Very thorough. Covers detailed interactions and aspects of Lingo not found in other books." -- John Thompson, father of Lingo and Macromedia engineer.

"I'm very impressed with the depth and breadth, and appreciate the sometimes sarcastic tone. Lingo in a Nutshell is an extremely comprehensive, industrial-strength reference for serious Director/Lingo developers and those that hope to attain that stage. Bruce Epstein's approach addresses crtical (and often obscure to sublime) areas needed for developers to tackle real-world productions. It's at the top of my Director book heap." -- Alan Levine

"I have been reading the MUI Xtra chapter of Bruce's book, and it is quite good. He obviously investigated issues, and didn't just regurgitate the manuals and help system." -- John C. Ware, Macromedia Engineer and creator of the MUI Xtra.

Lingo in a Nutshell is destined to be a requirement for both new and experienced Director programers. In addition to providing comprehensive explanations of Lingo's structure and internals, the appendices group together vital reference data for that has never been documented before. Very complete, readable and informative. A must have for any serious Lingo programmer" -- Alex Zavatone, Head Linguist of DOUG (, and former Macromedia lead QA Engineer for Shockwave.

"It's really nice. Love the appendices. Provides a lot of things that developers want. Like all the Lingo errors and explanations of them. Also, the explanation of the "Why's" of lingo are
very very important. " -- Zav's unoffical comment.

"This is the first book that provides the under-the-hood details that benefit Director developers of all levels. More thorough and accurate than anything else on the market." -- Marc Canter, creator of Macromind Director. (Mark actually said, "Another Lingo book - huh? Does the world really need that?" but I convinced him to make up something more user-friendly. I'll report back if he changed his mind after actually reading the book.)

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(The page last revised November 23, 1998)