Lingo in a Nutshell and Director in a Nutshell banner

-- Sound Fade Behavior

-- This script is compatible with Director 6 and 7.

-- Paste this script into a Behavior (Score) script.

-- (Watch out for long line breaks).

-- Then drop the Behavior into the script channel.

-- Copyright. Bruce A. Epstein. All Rights Reserved.

-- Version 1.0, June 18, 1999


property pSoundChannel, pBegin, pStart, pEnd, pDuration, pStartTime

property pChangePerTick, pTight, pWait

-- Initialization

on beginSprite me

  -- Record starting time for later calculations

  set pStartTime = the ticks


  -- If user didn't specify a starting volume, use the current volume

  if pBegin then

    set pStart = the volume of sound pSoundChannel

  end if


  -- Jump abruptly to the starting volume if necessary

  if the volume of sound pSoundChannel <> pStart then

    set the volume of sound pSoundChannel = pStart

  end if


  -- Calculate how much to change the volume in each tick of time

  set pChangePerTick = float(pEnd - pStart)/pDuration  

end beginSprite

on endSprite me

  -- Set the ending volume even if rounding errors left it at an inexact level

  set the volume of sound pSoundChannel = pEnd

end endSprite

on exitFrame me

  -- Fade the sound up or down between the starting and ending volumes.

  -- There are several possible modes for waiting:

  -- If pTight is TRUE, we'll create a tight repeat loop and fade the sound

  -- If pTight is FALSE, we'll adjust the volume once per exitFrame event

  -- If pWait is TRUE, we'll also wait in the frame until the sound fade completes

  -- If pTight and pWait are both FALSE, the sound will fade for the number of

  -- frames over which the script is tweened. When leaving the sprite span

  -- the ending volume will may be set abruptly in that case.


  if pTight then

    -- pTight is TRUE, so we'll create a tight repeat loop and fade the sound

    repeat while not done(me)

      set elapsed = the ticks - pStartTime

      set the volume of sound pSoundChannel = pStart + elapsed * pChangePerTick

    end repeat



    -- pTight is FALSE, so we'll adjust the volume once per exitFrame event

    set elapsed = the ticks - pStartTime

    set the volume of sound pSoundChannel = pStart + elapsed * pChangePerTick


    -- If desired, wait in the frame until the final volume is achieved

    if pWait and not done (me) then

      go the frame

    end if

  end if

end exitFrame

on done me

  -- Check if the sound fade is done.

  -- Returns TRUE when we reach or pass the volume of interest

  if  (pStart > pEnd) and (the volume of sound pSoundChannel > pEnd) then

    return FALSE

  else if  (pStart < pEnd) and (the volume of sound pSoundChannel < pEnd) then

    return FALSE


    return TRUE

  end if

end done

on getBehaviorDescription me

  set intro = "-- Sound Fade Behavior by Bruce A. Epstein. Copyright 1999. All rights reserved. " & RETURNs(1)

  put "-- See Chapter 15 of Director in a Nutshell and" & RETURNs(2) after INTRO

  put "Parameters:"  & RETURNs(1) after INTRO

  set desc1 =  "-- pSoundChannel - sound channel to fade (from 1 to 8). Only one channel can be faded at a time." & RETURNs(2)

  set desc2 = "-- pBegin - if TRUE, fade begins from current volume, and pStart is ignored." & RETURNs(2)

  set desc3 =  "-- pStart - starting volume for fade (0-255). If pBegin is TRUE, this parameter is ignored. " & RETURNs(2)

  set desc4 =  "-- pEnd - ending volume for fade (0-255).  Automatically fades up or down, depending on relation to pStart." & RETURNs(2)

  set desc5 =  "-- pDuration - number of ticks over which to create fade. Default is 180 ticks (3 seconds)." & RETURNs(2)

  set desc6 =  "-- pTight - if TRUE, sound fade is performed in a tight repeat loop, locking out animation and screen updates. If FALSE, sound is faded incrementally each time exitFrame event is sent." & RETURNs(2)

  set desc7 =  "-- pWait - if TRUE, wait in the frame until the sound fade completes. If pTight is FALSE and pWait is FALSE, the sound will change over the range of frames over which the script is tween. pWait is irrelevant if pTight is TRUE." & RETURNs(2)


  set desc = intro & desc1 & desc2 & desc3 & desc4 & desc5 & desc6 & desc7


  return desc


on returns n

  set retString = RETURN

  repeat with x = 2 to n

    put RETURN after retString

  end repeat

  return retString 


on getPropertyDescriptionList me

  set param1 =  [#default: 1, #format:#integer, #range:[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], #comment: "Sound Channel"]

  set param2 =  [#default: TRUE, #format:#boolean, #comment: "Start from Current Volume"]

  set param3 =  [#default: 0, #format:#integer, #range:[#min:0, #max:255], #comment: "Start Volume"]

  set param4 =  [#default: 255, #format:#integer, #range:[#min:0, #max:255], #comment: "End Volume"]

  set param5 =  [#default: 180, #format:#integer, #range:[#min:0, #max:600],#comment: "Duration in ticks"]

  set param6 =  [#default: FALSE, #format:#boolean, #comment: "Tight Repeat loop"]

  set param7 =  [#default: TRUE, #format:#boolean, #comment: "Wait in frame"]


  return [#pSoundChannel:param1, #pBegin:param2, #pstart:param3, #pEnd:param4, #pDuration:param5, #pTight:param6, #pWait:param7]  

end getPropertyDescriptionList

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Copyright © 1996-1999. Bruce A. Epstein. All Rights Reserved.

(The page last revised June 18, 1999)