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Chapter 10 - Keyboard Events

Lingo in a Nutshell

Corrections to Example 10-9: Password Entry Field on page 290.

The password example didn't correctly handle the delete key. It would delete the asterisks, but not the underlying password. Also, it wouldn't properly clear the password following an erroneous attempt to log in. Here is a corrected version that addresses these issues:

property pPassword

property pMyMember

on beginSprite me

  set pMyMember = the member of sprite (the spriteNum of me)

  -- Clear the password field

  set pPassword = EMPTY

  put EMPTY into member pMyMember


on keyDown me

  -- Mask the field with asterisks.

  set maskChar = "*"

  if the key = RETURN or the key = ENTER then

    -- Check the password when they hit RETURN or ENTER

    if verifyPassword (pPassword) = TRUE then

      -- Use this to jump to an appropriate frame in your movie

      go frame "Top Secret"


      alert "Invalid Password"

      -- This is NEW to clear the field when the user entered

      -- the wrong password

      set pPassword = EMPTY

      put EMPTY into member pMyMember

    end if

  else if isArrowOrTabKey() then

    -- This is changed from the book. Allow the arrow or tab keys through.


  else if isDeleteKey() then

    -- Handle the delete and backspace keys specially

    if the selStart = 0 and the selEnd = 0 then

      -- If the cursor is already at the left edge, there is nothing

      -- to delete, so beep at the user.



    end if

    set insertPoint = max(1, the selStart)

    set endPoint    = max(1, the selEnd)

    -- Delete the hilighted characters or the character to the left

    -- of the insertion point

    if insertPoint = endPoint then

      delete char insertPoint of pPassword


      delete char insertPoint to endPoint of pPassword

    end if



    -- Determine which portion of the field to replace

    set insertPoint = max(1, the selStart + 1)

    set endPoint = max(1, the selEnd)

    -- Insert the text at the cursor location

    if insertPoint = endPoint then

      -- In this case, no characters are hilighted.

      -- Add the keystroke to the secret password

      put the key before char insertPoint of pPassword

      -- But display the masking character (asterisk) in its place

      put maskChar before char insertPoint of member pMyMember


      -- In this case, replace all the hilighted characters

      put the key into char insertPoint to endPoint of pPassword

      put maskChar into char insertPoint to endPoint of member pMyMember

    end if

    -- Update the cursor insertion point manually

    set the selEnd = insertPoint

    set the selStart = insertPoint

  end if

end keyDown

-- This handler is new. It detects the delete key, backspace key or 

-- keypad delete key. It replaces the "isEditingKey" handler from

-- the example which is no longer needed in this context

on isDeleteKey

  case (the key) of


      return TRUE

  end case

  case (the keyCode) of

    51, 117:

      return TRUE


      return FALSE

  end case

end isDeleteKey

-- This handler is new. It detects the arrow keys and the Tab key

on isArrowOrTabKey

  case (the key) of


      return TRUE

  end case

  case (the keyCode) of

    123, 124, 125, 126:

      return TRUE


      return FALSE

  end case

end isArrowOrTabKey

-- Verify the password

on verifyPassword password

  -- Store your password here

  if password = "platypus" then

    return TRUE


    return FALSE

  end if

end verifyPassword


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(The page last revised November 4, 1999)